Chapter 50::


|| Returning Home ||

Andrea in chapter 50, walking down the street
traveling, Walla Walla, empty nester travel

Shake it up || Chapter 50

Shake-it-up and see where the new half century takes you.

Life doesn’t follow that bright colored, pick A or B path on the LIFE board game we played growing up.

You make plans for your game of LIFE and then–

Chapter 50 arrives and you have Ross screaming
PIV-OT!! {Has he been screaming in your ear too?}

After 51 years, raising two Babé’s, traveling, photographing, and styling, a new adventure came into view, or rather…

LIFE said, “Hold my wine and watch this!”

A new adventure, in an old, familiar place {home} to renovate #thehousegrandpabuilt into a vacation rental.

Yes. I have thought, “What in this holy realm of crazy ideas am I doing!”

And I always, okay, 94% of always, come back to two words…

Family and Legacy

{The other 6% of that “always” is pontificating that we really do lose our mind-marbles in menopause and try crazy –could be fun right?–.}

Starting over happens at any age and remembering we only get so many trips around the sun makes pivoting easier.

And I hope you come on this trip into our 50’s, 60’s, and God willing, 70’s and 80’s too.

Even if you never galavant over to the beautiful Southeastern corner of Washington, to share in the Italian legacy I’m renovating, I have other Passion Projects to share with you too 👇🏼

A Glimpse of Good::
Travel Stories and tips
Style for our 50+ lifestyle
Books with the best wines

A Glimpse of Good gives grace in the space of 50+ because we’re just getting started {again}! 💖Andrea

Chapter 50 Digest is delivered each month to your inbox ➡️

Glimpse of Good About Page for Andrea


A 51-almost-empty-nester who’s ready for the next chapter in travel. And part of that travel is taking me home again to renovate and bring a one-of-a-kind vacation rental to the beautiful Walla Walla Valley.

Yes, really!

I have big dreams for #TheHouseGrandpaBuilt. But if you never make it to this corner of Washington, you’ll find all my vacation shares + tips on the Travel Guide Page.

What you’ll find


Pairing timeless splurge-worthy classics, with trendy savvy finds to create a style in your fabulous 50’s.

You seen all the style trends by this point ~ Now wear the ones YOU love.

Heavy-padded shoulder pads and parachute pants weren’t it back then and won’t make a repeat in our closets this time either 😉

books & wine.

Life isn’t complete without some coffee, yoga, wine and a glimpse of a good book. That order of those three varies.

Walla Walla is overflowing with wine choices, along with your morning coffee fix. Matching a glass with a new book goes together like a grape on the vine. Come along + see what wine goes best with my first reno book and mountain-view.

Walla Walla Washington

Vrbo | Airbnb | vacation rental.

 Vacation Rental Life