the 8 Pet Peeves 35,000 feet in the Air | Travel Day

air travel pet peeves, seat back, window seat

It’s an air travel day, and you’re bracing yourself for the circus tent you’re about to enter.

Under the big top, nestled in your seat, 35,000 feet in the air, an aluminum tube is shuttling 180+ other passengers to their sunny destination.

What could possibly go fishy?

{oh yeah, let’s add food to the list – please don’t bring eggs or anything fishy to eat inflight. Bring all the chocolate you want, and extra in case I’m your seat-neighbor.}

Because your hard-boiled egg snack just might be counter with one –or all 8– of these 8 most-cited pet peeves in a seat near you.

8 Air Travel Pet Peeves

1/ Hogging the armrest {it’s communal space}

True, the middle seat gets the shaft on this one, but two people can both use an armrest and be okay. 👌

One gets the front-end – one gets the back-end, no need for elbow wars. Arm-rest battle solved.

2/ Listening to music or movie Watching without headphones

Yes, Bluetooth headphones do run out of juice on long flights, so pack an extra set of wired ones in your carry-on bag. Your seat-mates thank you.

3/ Yanking on the seat in front of you

That seat in front of you really isn’t the “oh shiīster bar” in disguise. It’s NOT a sports car and shouldn’t be used to yank yourself out of your seat.

If the seat’s empty, feel free to grab away.

Otherwise, HANDS OFF, BUSTER! They paid for their seat too, and don’t deserve whiplash when you get up.

Instead, use your armrest and practice a push-up. Your tricep muscles were built for this moment.

4/ Slamming your tray table closed

Your tush is planted in the seat, never knowing you have a “Tray-Table-Slammer” {TTS} sitting a row behind. You’ve got your pretzels and filled-to-the-edge Ginger Ale in hand…when your TTS SLAMS their tray closed like their trying to make the Olympic shot-putting team.

There goes ale of ginger sloshing all over your book/laptop/phone on your tray table.

5/ Coughing/Sneezing without covering 🤧

Traveling by air is a tight fit for everyone, and I’m pretty sure {I haven’t read an actual study} no one wants spittle flying across the row and landing on their earlobe.

My kindergarten teacher taught us this, but I guess not all kindergarten teachers had that in their lesson plans. PLEASE COVER! PRETTY PLEASE!

6/ The Air Travel Pop-up Feet

The armrests next to you are communal ✔, but the ones in front of you aren’t yours AT ALL!

The seats are cramped on airplanes - we all feel this. When I fly, that’s the only time I feel overjoyed to have short smurf legs.

We’re all sardines in an unopened can on this skybus, but it’s an arm-rest, Darlin’, NOT a leg-rest for you.

7/ Kicking the Back of Your Seat

To all children – and the parents of said children – please find a new game. The Whack-a-Seat game never gets a five-⭐️ review in the travel games section.

8/ The Real Housewives Talk Over Speaker Phone

It’s popular. I see –hear– people in stores sharing their chats for everyone to hear, Margo echoing her chitchat in aisle five. In the store, people can walk away.

On a planeit’s a captive audience that didn’t buy a ticket to the speakerphone show.

I totally get it, sometimes we get lost in our own heads; we have a lot going on + on our minds. We’re all in this aluminum tube together for the next ??-hours, be kind to your seat-mates ears.

If you do encounter said speaker-phone chatter, remember to bring your calm-be-with-me chocolate, take a deep breath before nicely asking to use headphones.

It’ll keep you from pulling a Chandler on the person watching Die Hard at max volume …

Two More Mid Life Refreshments For Your Air Travel Reading::

What’s your biggest pet-peeve on a flight?

💖xo Andrea

✈️ Insomniac plane traveler since 2002
🥴 Queasy at the sight of cotton stuffed in vitamin bottles
🍫 Will karaoke for chocolate

WAIT! You’re not on the list? That has to be a mistake!

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