the Museum of Broadway is a Playground for Theatre Lovers–Grab Your Tickets

Museum of Broadway in NYC, Shining lights, Chapter 50 Travels

The Museum of Broadway is NOT A Dullsville museum

Phantom of the Opera ~ Hamilton ~ Wicked… Those three musicals I’m betting my Gucci sneakers you’ve seen, or at least heard of them before.

But what about Beetlejuice, A Strange Loop or The Wild Party?

Lesser known, but ones you might want to see someday. There’s a place, right around that New York corner, that gives an entertaining {they have a swing inside}, peek into the theater world.

Backtracking to how I got to Broadway…

No, I’m not actually talented enough to BE ON Broadway, but in my 20’s and 30’s I also wouldn’t have tripped to New York to see a Broadway musical either. That happened because of a babé.

Once we discovered our three-year-old was reading I knew we were in a whole heap of trouble!

When you’re blessed with a babé polar opposite of you::

✔️she reads at a wicked fast pace
✔️she hates sports
✔️she wants to see every musical ever performed on Broadway.

Welcome to the motherhood of my first born.

I’m sports and photography – she’s singing, books and Broadway.

I’m allowed to sing alone in the car, or a side street in Rome to scare away roaming cats. She’s been on multiple stages through her schooling years belting out notes I can’t even squeak.

She knows every musical, actor, where a musical is currently playing and when the production is ending.

All this rambling to say, differences can be a blessing + open us up to an entirely different side of life outside our bubble.

So it was theatrically fitting that on her 21st birthday that E asked for a trip to New York City to see another Broadway Musical {instead of Ubering to the bar}.

museum of broadway, New York City, A Glimpse of Good

Leads me to the Travel Goods of this post

In my last travel shenanigans post I wrote about the latest trip to New York City with places to see, where to eat, and see a coffee toting gorilla

{Really good coffee, but honestly I’ll be going back because I LOVE FUN + unique – a big beast of a gorilla holding a tiny cup of coffee and slogan on the wall reminding us that life is too short for boring coffee shops}

But today’s travel venture takes us to...

The Museum of Broadway

After seeing Moulin Rouge! and Hades Town this trip, there’s no better place to go with a Broadway buff than the Museum of Broadway.

Granted, museums can sometimes be as dull as dish water, but when all the sense are intrigued, museums are grown-ups playground.

Have I mentioned there was a wide-plank swing in there?

The swing, anagram word puzzle, and Annie section were my favorites. {I mulligrubbed the anagrams, but E cleaned up my tiles to make us both look good. Partner-solving}

I enjoy musical theatre more now than I did before E entered my world. We’ve seen a lot of great shows in her short 21 years.

Walking through the Museum of Broadway together was a fun-house way to spend a drizzly morning in New York City.

Wouldn’t be a complete post without the photo peeks::

Where are you {or your Bestie} going to next? New York has a lot to see. Share this post with a friend… Email it, Pin it, tweet it, share it…however you like to share refreshments with a friend.

WAIT! You’re not on the list? That has to be a mistake!

pin it for Your Later Travel Shenanigans

Museum Broadway lights, Glimpse of good travel
New York, Broadway, Travel shenanigans, Mid Life Trips
Mid Life Travel, A Glimpse of Good, Mid Life in NYC

Navigating Mid Life & the invisibility cloak.


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