CLICK–CLICK–BOOM! Airplane Coffee Nightmare. No More Paper Tickets😳

Here it is, jumping photo, traveling, MidLife

Where is the Airplane Coffee?

Traveling Chronicles for the Middle Third {MidLife, Chapter 50, etc…}

This week I’m sharing excerpts from one of my weekly emails in case you’ve thought about signing into my FREE EMAIL SERIES…

  • Clicked on the signup box but got distracted by the waft of coffee brewing and left before clicking the bright pink box

  • Have never seen where to join these weekly travel tips, style luxuries {+bargains}, and vacation rental shenanigans on #TheHouseGrandpaBuilt

  • Don’t like free or emails or awesome, albeit a bit quirky, travel tip videos

Allow me to change your mind about how good these emails are! 😊😉

Sometimes a short story, leading to a travel tip…


It's 2:43am and I'm awake. My alarm's set to ding at 2:45am. How does a body do that?

We always have to catch the first flight out of Walla Walla or Pasco to make our connection in Seattle. On these nasty-early mornings I have the band-width for 2 things only::

❶ Empty my water bottle while getting ready
❷ Coffee-Coffee-Coffee {once I get thru TSA}

I've been flying out of Pasco the last few months. This last trip we flew out of Walla Walla. Guess what shop isn't open for the 5am flight out of Walla Walla?

{Sweet Mother of Mercy save me {and everyone else} from my un-caffeinated self}

Guess it's airplane coffee this morning.

Nope! It's a bumpy ride and it'll be a no coffee flight.🫨

Okay, I can do hard things...I'll get a cup when we reach Sea-Tac {airport}.

Nope! De-icing in Walla Walla took longer than expected and our connection now leaves in 30-minutes.

We land in terminal C. Next flight leaves from terminal D. We can make it easily enough with some brisk walking.

But it's decision time –

By this time, my morning watering has filtered through so I've got to decide if I'm grabbing coffee {if there's no line} or will I stop for the restroom?

Coffee? Potty? Coffee? Potty?

Probably any sane human considers one a NEED and the other a WANT. My sanity's been questioned for years, that's nothing new.

But a choice needs to be made {with no coffee in my system mind you}!

{A positive in this rushed flight morning, I've self-diagnosed that I AM NOT addicted to coffee. Clearly not, because I chose the airport restroom {over the airplane bathroom🤢}.

Please no turbulence - please - please - please for the sake of all humanity let there be coffee on this 4-hour flight🙏🏼

App travel tip, before the 3 best this week...

I had ZERO TIME to check this morning, but if you're curious, or nervous, about turbulence, you can get a turbulence forecast for your flight by using the turbli app 😉

I'm seated and have coffee #2 in hand, I'm ready to give you my best!☕️☺️


Always a travel tip to help make your travels easier, safer, and spirited

– Travel Tip –

All the apps, all the socials, "YouTube that", "Check your email for the code", "Scan this QR code" ...

Dr. Rick's, "Un-becoming your parents" commercials are only funny until they hit home 🤨

Paper tickets have been my airport comfort zone for the last 30+ years. You can't see me in this commercial, but it's me, I'm there somewhere in that airport with a paper ticket – "Paper Tickets - Horrible Start!"

In 2023 I let go of my airport security blanket and only use my boarding passes on my airline apps.

Letting go isn't always easy.

But once you move your boarding pass to your phone, you'll never hold up the TSA line with 999 people lazer-ing a hole in the back of your head again, while you dig for your paper ticket that you just had on the top of your bag.🤦🏽‍♀️

  1. Load airline app onto your phone from the app store

  2. Each airline is different but all have a way to load your trip into the app {ticket number, record locator, confirmation number}

  3. Once loaded be sure to TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS

  4. At the airport, open your app and SCREEN SHOT your boarding pass {in case of spotty wi-fi/cell service you'll have a back-up to scan at TSA & your gate}

  5. LOCK your phone screen so it scans easily

Having your phone tickets versus paper tickets is one less thing to keep track of {and lose} in a busy airport or when you've had ZERO COFFEE upon boarding. 😵‍💫

– Stylish Travels –

In the world of jean trends I keep hearing the chatter about skinny jeans are out and now we have merry-go-rounded back to straight-leg, boyfriend or bell jeans.

In a recent survey, 200/200 women want jeans to look right on their body-type and be comfortable.

Whether you're styling your skinny jeans or still have your straight-leg jeans from 1990, I've got a new way to twist, tuck, and cuff any pair of jeans you're wearing

Click a peek – and let me know if you try it😊

Your favorite straight-leg jeans with a TWIST 

With a Skinny Jeans Twist

Sometimes an iPhone camera lesson for snapping better travel memories

– iPhone Lesson –
–Closest Appears Biggest–

A quick-n-simple tweak so you never shy away from a group photo with family/friends again.

"Whatever is CLOSEST to the lens appears the LARGEST in the photo"

It's an optical illusion that we can easily tweak in pictures. Here's an exaggeration using my boot.


Kicking my boot closest to the lens makes it appear largest {bigger than it really is} in the photo.

When I kick my boot close and move my head & shoulders back, they become smaller in comparison.

What makes you most comfortable in photos?

For me, I want less hips and more shoulders/chest.

Slant hips away and slightly sideways from the lens and lean theupper body closer to the lens.

Viola! You're ready for your photo Gorgeous!

📸 📷 📸

Cheers to your stylish, snapping, travels you Beautiful Soul!

☕️First add coffee then board the aluminum tube in the sky
👖 My baggy jeans were a good idea before I forgot a belt
{again, first add coffee before all else}

P.S. See you next Thursday for 5 new books you need to add to your travel list and the BEST days and times to book your flight ✈️

There you have it! A peek inside one weekly email. And below is the place to sign up and get them all from this day forward 😊

Dropped FREE each Thursday in your email with the best travel tips, travel style, and a quirky share now and then {All this inflation and it’s STILL 🆓 😂}⬇↓⬇

grab a glass & click in to join us☟

Leveling up The Middle Third in life one email at a time! It’s far better than airplane coffee, zero turbulence, and we can LEVEL UP this MidLife together!

pin it for later

airplane coffee, midlife, pink glasses, denim shirt
Vanilla Gorilla coffee, coffee cup, not airplane coffee

Navigating MidLife through bargains and luxuries in equal measure!

–The House Grandpa Built–

Fill your second act with quirky JOY & the people who treat you like the amazing person you are!


Chapter 50 blog, flying scarf, wine heels and jeans

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Andrea ~ A Glimpse of Good in a Mid Life Refresh

Global Gallivanter • SmileRaiser • Lifestyle Blogger • 50+ Style Enthusiast • Book Buff • WW Wine Taster • Queen of Quirky

Travel Style Chronicles: Easy Outfits For Women Traveling And The One Who Hit The Snooze Button Too Many Times