Your Monday Motivational Minute

motivational minute advice, Me in 60-seconds

Monday Motivational Minute

Sharing a motivational minute with you today to put an old lesson in a new light.

Each Monday, in my stories over on the gram, I’ve worked up the nerve for a 60-second talking-head video {my talking head} on old lessons that have taken a new twist in this second act of ours.

If you’re on the @a.glimpseofgood Instagram page, it may seem the total opposite, but I really hate {yeah, I said it, HATE} putting myself in front of the camera. And a talking video – 🤢 Cue the blekkkkk.

{That stubborn Italian gene in me woman-handles me out of my warm-cozy-fluffy reading corner to try.}

So, here goes…

An old lesson that has a new meaning at 50

You’re 50+. You have life all figured out by now, right?

me at 50, new peepers readers


Lemme see Margo - do you have the perfect Mom Answer for any teen situation? How about that vegan lifestyle? Have you mastered that in your daily? Do you have that ideal workout schedule all mastered?


LIFE. It’s a weird book with a lot of plot twists.

So let’s try and muddle through this hormonal beast together. When you’re a mom {working mom, stay-home mom, part-time mom, wannabe mom, business owner mom, retired mom…}, you juggle a lot.


And sometimes we need a minute - a motivational minute - to see an old routine in a new way.

Chapter 50 Blog:: Motivational Minute

To start off this end-of-month post, I’m going with exercise. Because the ah-ha moment came to me while sweating {cardio sweating, not sitting-on-the-couch-flash-sweating this time😉} and hearing Jillian Michaels yelling, “Keep going, do more, don’t quit.”

Lesson 1

Mute that voice on the TV, your Airpods, next to you, wherever it is, and blast your music instead. I need her exercise moves, not her yelling at me.

Lesson 2

Focus on the controllable stuff. I have no control over my height, physical features, or lack of bosoms God gave me. But I do have control over my bosom-to-belly ratio.


In all my years of exercise, I’ve worked my tushy off for a strong core, and it used to be flatter than my flat chest.


It seemed just that quick - overnight, I went from being in control of that one piece to getting that belly pouch that so many women talk about when full-on menopause hits.

SIDENOTE:: This is the first time I’ve EVER said (typed?) this out loud. But here goes. I hear + see the eye-rolls whenever weight is mentioned. Or I get the “You don’t get it, look at you” response. Please don’t do that to women. I’ve worked my butt off since my high school days in sports. And while our genetics are different, while we face different hurdles, it’s rarely the case that our health comes “easy" to maintain. We only see glimpses of people’s lives, but until you know the whole story, don’t minimize them to fit a narrative. Or play the comparison game –none of us win at that–We’re ALL BE-YOU-TIFUL in our unique ways–You and you and YOU…!

Back to it then…

It’s like your initiation into the Menopause Club…‘Here’s your new body with a slower metabolism and a new belly. Great job on working your bootie off that last 35 years, but we’re going in a new direction.”

A lil’ bit of vanity – yes. Strong core for health – YES!

But after reading books + websites full of why this happens, and what to change, and what we just need to get used to… I went back to an old routine for my exercise. And it’s working for me again!

Take that, menopause!

That whole drawn-out story to say this…

We’re all built different, and our body responds different too. After my back surgery, I gave up on my Jillian kickboxing, because I didn’t EVER WANT an injury like that in 12,010 years! {I’ll take childbirth over that –not kidding –!}

Turns out I just needed to tweak her workouts to FIT ME and my back.

I’m “back” to doing Jillian workouts, and my abs are kinda peeking through again.

She works for me. {Muted, she works for me.}

Your Motivational Minute

We all have to work for what we want AND we all have different paths to get there. We can work hard our entire lives for a goal/metric/size, and then one day –POOF!– it changes, and we gotta find a new way.

We just might have to work a little harder to get the same results this time around.

Nutrition and how diet affects us in so many different ways has always fascinated me. I even tried a vegan lifestyle years ago. Praise y’all for that kind of discipline!

I couldn’t stick with it. We try the new by repeating the old. Sometimes it takes, and sometimes we wake in the middle of a night sweat and say, I just want to eat salmon again.”


Do it for you
– Whatever the “IT” is –

Other motivations for a minute::

What’s your motivation this week?

💖xo Andrea

pin for later

weights, bands, water bottle, exercise motivation
Chapter 50 in readers, lets chat a minute
arm weights, yoga mat, headphones

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